I truly believe that nothing in this world is impossible if you want it bad enough. Our success in life is dependent on ourselves alone. We are the only ones who can create the life that we want. And we must also take responsibility for the decisions we make in our lives...both good and bad because no one forces us to make the decisions that we do make. 
     Yes, we may allow others to encourage us into these decisions but our actions are our responsibilities. Even when others harm us and tragedy hits us- things that are beyond our control, how we react to those circumstances is still our choice. We can allow them to bring us down and keep us down, or we can use them to strengthen us and make us stronger. With everything I have endured and lived through in my life I've only allowed it to make me a much stronger person, more empathetic towards others. And before you say that I don’t understand... One of my many struggles in life was Homelessness and suffering from Major Depression and diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Later on I suffered from severe back problems. I was Homeless with my children but always made sure we had a roof over our heads even if we didn't like where we were. I kept my boys with me. I also refused to be labeled with a mental illness and after a year refused the medications that was keeping me from achieving my goals. Through nothing but determination, Love for my boys, and some counseling... I am successful today because of my determination and because I always believed in myself even when it seemed that the whole world was against me. Perhaps that is why my boys are so appreciative of the small blessings they do receive right now.  These boys are so proud of me and THAT is what gives me my greatest fuel to succeed. When my oldest was in Elementary School, he came home one day and showed me something he wrote at school. The question was asked: 
"Who is the person you look up to the most and why?" His answer: "My mom because she never gives up." This from an eleven year old at the time who understood the struggles we had gone through and knew or at least felt we were in a better place.  
    I say that whatever it takes to succeed- What ever you use as a motivation to keep going- Use it! My greatest motivation is and always will be my three boys. Their pride in me and their love for me outweighs anything anyone can EVER say or think about me. These boys are linked to my soul where God's love has made a permanent home. So of course I don't believe there isn't anything I can't accomplish. Some things may take me longer to accomplish than others. But I will never give up trying to achieve all my dreams and goals. And yes there are many! 
    Nothing in this life is impossible to achieve if it is something that you want bad enough. Of course there are going to be many road blocks that may hinder your success at times. But NEVER give up trying to 
overcome those obstacles standing in your way. There are still people today, even members of my own family who see me as a failure.. as someone who will never amount to anything. That’s okay, God knows me and He knows my name when no one else does. And my three Boys also know me and believe in me. That is all that matters to me. I will always have a love for people even if they don’t reciprocate. My heart is love no matter what. Yes, life gets hard, But God’s love is stronger than anything  else in my life and having the love of my boys and their faith in me is just the icing on the cake.
    Don’t give up no matter how impossible things may seem. There is always a Rainbow after the rain. 

 Amada Gonzalez

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